In the sacred library of Tearvane, the records of Extal Worlds remain untouched, bound by magic and preserved for all time. But on Exodus, the White Council’s hold on the human races is strong. Their version of history is even stronger, directing humanity how they see fit.
At the end of the last age, human ingenuity had advanced to the point that science, through the manipulation of DNA, could create life however they deemed fit. This was called genetic transitioning, the future of the human species. Parading themselves for being so advanced, pride in godhood forsook common sense. At first, the sciences treated medical needs, almost eliminating all ailments and diseases with DNA infusion of synthetic parts created. But this was not enough. The ability to create life was too enticing for some.
Bio-engineered superhumans was the proper term used. Sensible people called the weaponized science for what it was – monsters. From failed experiments to increasing understanding, freaks of nature were born out of labs.
But in secret labs of the elite who had controlled the world governments for centuries, their experiments were much more sinister. Steeped in religious rituals to the gods, they created hybrid creatures, bred for a single purpose. They were to house the spirits who roamed the Earth, seeking bodies to reinhabit from once they had lost ages ago. These were the demons of biblical lore. Their masters, higher spirits who ruled the nations, whispered in the ears of their followers. What transpired was a wealth of knowledge to create and bare physical beings once called Nephilim.
Once born, the avatar body would be placed on an altar for the blood rituals to commence as degreed, mimicking the rituals of ancient Babylon. With fertility rituals performed by the temple virgins, the prayers to Beezelbul lifted to heaven.
And with the ceremony of opening the mouth, the cryptid avatar breathed life of a demon spirit.
What followed was a reign of unimaginable horror done to humans and animals alike. Humans had unleashed hell on Earth.
Wars broke out as chaos reigned. Like their ancestors of old, the blood lust of cryptid monsters was unsated and terrorized the world.
With their cryptid hosts, the ancients went to the known tombs of their brothers and brought out the bodies of the giant remains. And through the process of DNA and transitioning, they recreated their former bodies, to roam again as giants, to ravage the lands and terrorize humans.
The world grew dark in the bloodshed of nightmare creatures.
For those who knew the power behind the nightmares drew together in force, forming the House of Sherwin, led by a Lord of unknown power at his command. His own legacy was shrouded in mystery but his feats against the monsterous beings made him a legend.
All this ended as the world leaders, never arriving at any agreement, maddened with fear, made war on each other. The world burned red with blood.
The vast worlds of Extal (the fae realm), are governed by the Sacred Books of Record. What transpires within each world realm ultimately reflect onto Earth in dreams and imagination. They are such powerful books that no man has glimpsed a single Sacred Book. They are held and guarded by some of the most powerful Ancients. Only one book is known to be kept by the ancient Dragon Tribes of Exodus.
The first volume, “The Books of Time”, is said to hold all of history’s recorded events in a single, general overview. It’s also an overview of the other three books of record. Within the pages are laws of cosmic and natural nature. Held by the Keeper of Records, he writes what is told and ensures things stays true to the book.
Words of Power are specific weaving of fae words never meant for human understanding. This forbidden language is the language of Extal and the fairy race who from the beginning of time, helped cultivate and sustain life. In the wrong hands, the weaving of song and letters could cause dark curses or worse, the unweaving of the fae worlds.
In the Book, “Words of Power”, is written the laws and coding of the words and usages balance out the fae worlds. A tweak here and there can change weather patterns, give strength to blooming plants and stabilize a world’s ecosystem. The book is guarded heavily within the Twilight Forest, where no human is allowed to venture. Within these forests, magic thrives the greatest as it’s connected with the Balance Crystals that sustain life in the central world, Gontha, or as humans call it, Exodus.
Since the dawn of Gontha, when the Creator God sang life into existence, there was also sung two magical crystals that connected the central world of the fae to the rest of the fae realms. It was the heartbeat of magical creatures that balanced the fae worlds.
Housed in temple structures, each on opposite ends of Gontha, the fae songs flowed in unison with the twin heartbeats, forming a continuous flow of energy to and from each realm in existence. From Earth’s Celtic lore, this was known as the endless knot.
In the Book of Crystals are written the inner workings of the crystals. With it are written the cosmic rules that govern each crystal and its functions. As with other books, no mortal has the ability to gain access to them and cannot change the writing.
However, if one is found by those with dark intent, there are safeguards put into place but not many. The books were written before humans inhabited the lands of Gontha so there was no need for such things.
The Fourth and final book is called, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” a long and almost forgotten tale. Although the book is considered part of the Book of Records, it is not completely inaccessible.
When Dragonblood came into existence and began building its own realm with the aid of dragons, it was time to enact a guardian at the crossroads to guard its passages.
To the twin brothers, Shrukin and Darius, devout members of Dragonblood’s council, fell the task of guarding the way. One would make his home in the fae mists itself where a safe haven would be placed for him. This way, being human, he would not get lost in the fae mists and wander aimlessly forever.
To the other, the task of Records Keeper, was given. His job was to record the events of history, to safeguard against human contamination of greed and corruption. At the same time, a vision was given to begin writing down a specific set of verses. These were to be distributed among Dragonblood’s people to memorize and keep to their hearts. This would become their creed, their legacy.
As each age of human history begins, a new chapter is written into the Dragon’s Prophecy, to encourage but also to warn man of the heart’s easy sway into the darker things.
As the fourth age dawned, a new chapter was written. But in these chapters were written dark and ominous warnings throughout. It’s contents would be read high in the mountain passes of Dragonblood as they fled their homeland.
Darkness has fallen…
Throughout the 5 human kingdoms of Elise, White Magic is the one true magic that is accepted as good. With the Order of the White Council governing all things magic, it is held with high esteem. The White Priests and all who are under the White Council of Wizard’s order are also revered. It could be said that anyone under the banner of the White Council is held greater than even Kings and Queens.
What is White Magic?
According to the White Council, white magic is a good source of magic flowing directly from the gods down to those deemed blessed by the White Council’s priests. This is the only magic seen as good. All other sources are evil and must be eradicated as it’s not blessed by the gods and is seen as poisonous and a direct attack on the gods’ order of things.
WILD MAGES – Seekers
In the human realm, there are two known classes of wild mages. The first are simply known as seekers.
Seekers are a group of secretive people who hunt for wild artifacts. They stay hidden from society for the most part in fear of word reaching the White Council of their whereabouts. They are seen as illegal citizens who if found, are to be killed on the spot. Rewards are offered for their heads.
Seekers usually have one or two artifacts on hand and use them for the good of the people. They hold to a strict code of conduct while using their found artifacts for the good of the people.
They live in small nomadic tribes, roaming the lands and never staying to one spot for long. They have a death sentence on their heads at all time so keep to the free territories not governed by the kingdoms.
WILD MAGES – Dragonblood
Dragonblood have books upon books written about them. Even though the White Council tried to destroy every last vestige of the name, some still remain in hiding.
Dragonblood, shortly after their appearance in history, became legendary emissaries between the magicborn and human alike. They were the peace keepers, guardians of renown as they were granted special privileges by the high lords of Exodus, the dragon tribes. High in the mountains of the Midlands, they were given the task to uphold the laws of the Creator God while stemming the tide of evil brought on by a dark emperor’s need to become a god.
Through nightmarish experiments of dark alchemy, Dragonblood was birthed, no care given to those who went insane, others struggling to remain normal. Through it all, Dragonblood was a special kind of human hybrid race. They had an innate ability genetically encoded to the DNA and future DNA to somehow harness the elements of the world. And with enhanced gifts from dragons, breathed on by their flames of magic, they used their power mostly for good.
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The exact origins of the creature dubbed, “the evil eye,” is a mystery. Some say it came from the far edge of the Extal Realm where the Emperor of Night was banished to in ages past. Others say it isn’t part of the Nightbreed, hybrid creations of Neverworld, but wholly other. There is some speculations that these are remnants of the original cryptids, those that were written of in history of man.
The few records that have survived to make it into the Dragonblood Journals say that the creature glows with a pulsating eye shrouded in a cloud of lightning. Wings spread out from the clouds as it utters a deafening screech. It’s touch is death before it vanishes as though it is actually a ghostly image.
The Evil Eye has been written about in the war journals for ages. They are one of the most ruthless foes of Dragonblood with only a few records of defeating this mortal enemy.
The only known weapon against such a creature is Eskaver’s Sword, of which only the bloodline of Dragonblood’s royal family can wield.
Copyright © Andrew D Nusz, 2024